The world’s first*1 4-sensor 4K camera directly employing 2/3-inch optics to achieve high-resolution, faithful images for television production applications.
Easy transition to 4K with minimal cost
Hitachi’s SK-UHD4000 system 4K color camera can be used with existing 2/3-inch format ENG and Studio/Field lenses without the use of an optical-mechanical adaptor between camera and lens.
2/3-inch lenses are the industry standard for studio and outside broadcast (OB) live event production applications. The extended depth of field required in sports television production is therefore preserved.
A unique, high-precision 4-sensor optical system and latest MOS sensor technology, provide 4K (3840 X 2160) and 2K (1920 x 1080) video simultaneously.
Camera controls and footprint are the same as current broadcast HDTV cameras making it simple to replace existing 2K infrastructure with minimal difficulty.
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